Eight-channel interactive sound installation by Krista Dragomer with interactive programing by Bob Pritchard.

exhibited at:

  • Southhampton Center (outdoors), 2013

  • The Multispecies Salon Presents: “Biopolitical Tactics", Rat Park/Babycastles, NY, 2014

project description:

Birdhouse sculptures with internal speakers arranged in a semi-circle played an aleatoric composition of cell tower emissions and bird sounds. The installation utilized programming which allowed for the sounds from the 8 individual sound sculptures to trigger each other, resulting in a constantly changing soundscape of bird call sounds and cell technology digital interference.

The human-built environment and its exigencies has an effect on all life on this shared planet. We try to imagine, empathize and quantify the way life changes as a result of the way we humans fill the night sky with light, fill in a wetland with soil and debris, or fill the air with pulsating sound. Logically we must know that anything that sees, that drinks, that navigates sonically must now do it differently, but it becomes abstract when it falls outside our human sensorium, when our own senses have recalibrated darkness and silence, to see and hear it when it isn’t really there.  Re-wilding the Syrinx amplifies the acoustics of frequencies that fall to the background, that buzz in the cells of bodies caught in the thick digital air.

This work was part of series of art interventions, collaborations, and curatorial projects with Eben Kirksey and the Multispecies Salon.

Installation at "The Multispecies Salon Presents: Biopolitical Tactics", 2014.

Installation at "The Multispecies Salon Presents: Biopolitical Tactics", 2014.

Click the play button to hear a stereo sample of the audio.

Schematic drawing of 8-channel installation, inclusive of camera for interactivity movement tracking.

Schematic drawing of 8-channel installation, inclusive of camera for interactivity movement tracking.

2013 Installation at the Southhampton Center. Inside a Yew tree, 8 speakers mounted to the branches played an aleatoric composition of recorded bird call sounds and cell phone tones. The installation utilized programing that allowed the sounds to respond to one another, resulting in an audio experience of birds and phones mimicking and duetting, often blending into one another. 

Installation view at the Southampton Center, 2013.

Installation view at the Southampton Center, 2013.